We need to beyond the goals of having good leadership and healthy churches to an enabled ministry that actually transforms the communities in which we live and serve. Individually and collectively, we are “sent’ ones,” all of us in mission, becoming sign and witness of Kingdom-present and Kingdom-coming.
Perhaps my neighbours should know that I’m a Christian not so much because they watch me leaving my home and neighbourhood each Sunday to attend church elsewhere, but because I am a good neighbour. Can I be a more helpful, caring person on my street, in my apartment or townhouse or for miles around on rural concession roads?
The church exists for the world, not vice versa. The gathered church should help prepare its members to build up community where we spend most of our lives, most of our time. It is in the midst of society that we faithfully join the Saviour, interacting with people in all aspects of our humanity, passion and concern.
As the image of God is being restored in each believer and as we together form communal groups of missional endeavour, the world around can be transformed into the purposes of God. Is that not what the gospel is all about? Not likely in this life will we see God’s Reign fully realized, but we can certainly by His grace and Holy Spirit, and by our caring acts and witness, create a hunger and thirst for Kingdom-coming. People around us may even now see evidence of His Presence and Care.
A church exists to enable its people to be missionaries Monday through Friday where they live, where they work, play, travel and dream. Right where they are, as St. Francis put it, we must preach the Gospel - and when necessary use words. Good sewer systems (as well as deep sanctification) are included in the concerns of God’s people who love this planet.
Whether local churches practice “come strategies” (in seeking to attract pre-Christians into our facilities) or “go strategies” (where we intentionally move among ‘normal people’ – on their ‘turf’), we remember that we have been sent as ‘apostles’ by the Saviour. Simply by showing up and through ‘incarnational’ (being present) ministry among people, again with Jesus, we love and live God’s truth - immersed in all of th various cultures of this world. As we do, people will see Christ and be drawn to join this new Way of living and being – entering a life that He calls ‘abundant.’
When this happens, whole regions, towns, villages and cities can be utterly transformed. Out of the dark woods of present existence, wide clearances - areas of full and abundant living, become possible; and the Son-shine of God’s love brings the healing, forgiveness and provision that is essential for a full and truly human existence.