The world seems to be in constant pain, writhing, suffering, longing for release.
It might be our memories of that awful day in 2001 - 9/11.
When I first wrote this, it was about Kenya; now as I write, it's about the displaced refugees from Syria, fleeing the atrocities of their homeland, and the menace that is ISIL.
I am aware of the cup of suffering all Kenya was experienced a few years ago following a violent and split election result. No doubt ballot-rigging and other forms of fraud were rampant. Slum dwellers in Kibera and Mathare erupted with burnings and killings. Violence riddled Nairobi and the dissent and disatisfaction was expressed by violence elsewhere throughout the nation. Innocent people lost their lives; many who lived were displaced from their homes and lands (lands who's tribal history of ownership was much disputed as well). Much of the violence was carried out along tribal lines.
I worried for friends, living very near the turmoil, burning, pillaging and other acts of violence.
In the Iona Community at Iona Abbey, Scotland, on one of the cloister columns a black man is drinking from a Cup of Communion. The Cup of suffering shows Jesus' solidarity with us in our suffering and ours in His.
May the Saviour who suffered - and suffers also, in solidarity with us all, bring His comfort, purpose and shalom to our world, to Syria and throughout the Middle East, to the Crimean Region of eastern Ukraine, to what was and perhaps still is South Sudan, to Somalia, El Salvador and too many, many other places.
May God's peace and prosperity come to these troubled nations, and to all places that are so horribly troubled.