Seasons of Life


The Seasons roll around. I’m thinking here of Spring - with all its promise, wonder and glory.


Original Music: Pensée - Laurie Barber

Tóchar Studios - Toronto, Canada

Freeman Barber - worshop


So, my wife asked me evening. ‘Do you ever think about dying?  Hmmm. Good question in this day of pandemic pandemonium, uncertainty and fear.

The Seasons come and go. Christmas is past. We lean into a New Year.

For those of us where the weather can be cold and intemperate, there is still much to love, much to do...

Tomb at Sunset


There is a certain and inevitable outcome to our lives. We shall not live for ever. And that’s a fact.

There are lots of reasons to be unhappy in life

Once again autumn has come to us. It is sheer gift. There is a moral aspect to it (as you will note below).  I am always somewhat somber and sad as fall days unfold.

A movie - VERY loosely based on the New Testament story: 'The Prodigal.'

'Coming Home' is a metaphor for all kinds of situations, as well as, literally, a return to the house, town or country of one's birth or upbringing.

Life's opportunities and resources can be squandered.

Urban Arrival at Night

Having left home, we find ourselves in new surroundings - with all of its new thrills, expectations and challenges.

Man with red shirt on motorcycle

We leave the home of our upbringing, sooner or later, for all kinds of reasons.

This is a world in which good things and bad can and do happen. One is not always prepared. No - we are never really prepared when evil and disaster ascend upon us, as from the Abyss.

little boy singing and dancing

There is such a thing as a healthy ego. Life would be bereft without it.


I love all of the Seasons, though as I age and my Raynaud's Syndrome progresses, my appreciation for the colder weather wanes.

I love Spring the most, je pense.

I created this video to illustrate a poem (sort of) that I wrote recently (March 2017).

We’ve entered a new day, perhaps a new month and even a new year.

Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee.

- Frances Havergal

b&w empty couch and chairs

A new year lies at our feet. And what will it bring?

The Gate of the Year

Ah yes, - The Gate of the Year. It seems like another year is about to dawn upon us. A brand new year. And all of us wonder what it will bring.

Christmas Eve draws near and with it, for me at least, come memories of the years when as family we gathered in anticipation of the coming glorious Morn - of Christmas Day.

Winter Solstice presents us with the dichotomy of beauty and struggle in both nature and human relationship.

Lawn with trees and snow

We wake, staying over at friends, and the day is heavy with falling snow. The large, slowly falling flakes flicker and shift and gently touch the ground. There is no wind.

Sometimes, somehow, despite the business of the Season, there can be a strange calm that settles upon us, even upon us last-minute, late-evening shoppers.

So, we're past 'frost on the pumpkins' and moving right on to snow on the apples. I hate it when autumn's splendour goes, though I love (in another overall sense) the passing of the Seasons.

Winter has its unique beauty. We try to capture its essence in picture, poem and song but it must be experienced to be appreciated – and respected.

The cold of winter comes to us and each year we are shocked just a little.

I Love This Time of Year !!!

Quebec Autumn colours

I love the colours of Autumn; I hate the fact that they fall and disappear. I can get depressed in November, when the colour's gone and it's not yet Christmas.

light on the dock

Sometimes the ‘lights along the shore’ are not lighthouses, per se, but places of quiet and refuge where one simply takes time to watch the setting sun and linger into the dark, comforted with the

"Since I am coming to that holy room,
Where, with thy choir of saints for evermore,
I shall be thy music; as I come
I tune the instrument here at the door,

I love all of the Seasons, but I'm never all that thrilled to see Summer go. With my Raynaud's Phenomenon, much of my outside Winter activities are limited.


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