Life Itself
There are lots of reasons to be unhappy in life
to feel that we’re missing itthat it’s less than what we hoped it would be
Tragedies happen
Money’s in short supply — we can’t get startedWe can’t seem to stay afloat
There’s the break-down of relationships
the pressures of work
We have an awful boss
Our colleagues are not collegial
We try to mask the pain in different ways
when we can’t change the realities
sometimes in ways that hurt ourselves - and others.
We fill our lives with good things too
with sports
by looking after our healthwith grand vacations
with friendships
meditationand wise counsel
And yet, as age comes - and health fades - and strength fails
loved ones pass onand we face our own inevitable death— what then?How does one cram for the finals?
Perhaps as never before
our thoughts turn to spiritual possibilities
Somewhere, we hear the ancient wisdom of Celtic spirituality
that bidden or not bidden, God is present
We check out those places and resources which speak of God
We find a verse in the New Testament
that gives us both challenge and hope…Without faith, it is impossible to please Godfor anyone who comes to Godmust first of all believe that God existsand will reward those who seek Him.
And maybe we try to pray
and to read again an old, old Story
and wonder at its relevance for us
Another passage tell us that
no one has ever seen Godthe one and only Son, who is Himself Godand is at the Father’s sideHe - has revealed Him
He was with God in the beginning.Through him all things were made…This Word is the source of life that brings life to all.