I love all of the Seasons, but I'm never all that thrilled to see Summer go. With my Raynaud's Phenomenon, much of my outside Winter activities are limited. I say, 'Winter has been taken from me.' Sigh. Not fun.
But Summer remains - and the ramps up to, and down from, in all the lovely colours, life-beauty and bounty of Spring and Autumn.
Summer gives its own freedoms and delights. It's easier to get out and about; the days are longer, the nights not so hard to take. The flelds that flourish, the theme parks too as children and families scream their joy, supper on the back patio, glorious gardens, a swim and barefoot walks on sandy shores - and much more, make Summer so very special. A season of growth and warmth, a time for friendships shared - both inside and out.
I salute you Summer - another of God's great ideas - and of unending faithfulness and promise.