'The problem with life is that its so daily,' said Wood Allen once. Another problem - if it is that, is that life is very short.
In light of the present Corona Virus, I offer this short video in the hope it may give some perspective, help and hope to those who see it.
We are ever grateful for the sacrifices made to combat Evil in all the ways it is manifest in our broken world.
Someone to enlighten our darkness
Someone to help in our distress
Someone whose presence warms on coldest nights
Walking close beside us on our Journey
How great is the love that the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called the Children of God. And that is what we are...
See I John 3:1 - 3
We never know, can never fathom fully, the lasting power of our actions, the staying power of our words - even one little sentence, one little phrase; one little word.
We join in worship, angels 'round the Throne
To worship Him whose death made us His own
With elders, saints and martyrs in that Room -
The old song encourages us: - 'Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining . . .'
Winter Solstice presents us with the dichotomy of beauty and struggle in both nature and human relationship.
I like the fact that Christians 'keep score' and 'tell time' in another way besides the usual bottom line(s) of life and the mere chronology of the passing hours and days.
So why a rooster, the first Sunday of Advent?!
It's easy to despair. We all do at times. The world seems to be in such a mess; things constantly go wrong. It's difficult to see that there's any plan or purpose, any rhyme or reason.
As Christians, we live in this in-between mean-while, believing and hoping in God and His better Future even when so much of the evidence seems to be to the contrary. St.
Christian 'mission' includes setting up 'sign posts' of Kingdom-present and Kingdom-coming, giving glimpses and examples of what it can be - will be, like when the fullness of God's purposes and Hi
Deep within our historySwelling with the mysteryBreaking forth th' audacious Love of God
Entering that mysteryMaking it our storyHoping in th' audacious Love of God
Life's autumn falls, dark memories too,
We long to hold the life we knew;
The love, the face we treasured, gone
And death now silences the home.
The lyrics for Hurt a song written by Trent Reznor and first released on Nine Inch Nails in 1994, come with all of the hurt, pain, and crying-out-loud hone
Every once in a while we just seem to lose steam. I think it was Dr. Leslie Weatherhead, not only one of the world’s great preachers but also a distinguished psychologist who had that experience.