
The Quandary of Crossroad Decisions


Sometimes you feel that whatever you do, you just cannot win.

Speaking to a graduating class some years ago, Woody Allen said to the graduates: “More than any other time in its history humankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”

Well, we’ve all had days when we felt like that, believed that. When wherever 'there' is where we'd like to go, like our world to go - you can't get 'there' from 'here.' Questions are: – What to do about them? How do you keep yourself from ending up in the ditch?! Is there really any way forward?

Life is best lived as if on a knife-edge.  At least the Christian life is. And there are Scriptures that give warning, when we're getting too close to a precipitous edge on the right side of the road, or a little later on perhaps, on the left. And Scriptures that say: 'This is the Way; walk in it.' (You could look them up.)

To mix the metaphors (and life situations) further, I think of Robert Frost's poem (you know the one), where paths converged in the woods, and he took the way less travelled. 'Made all the difference,' he wrote.

Christians take the narrow way; least they're supposed to, trying to remember that the more-travelled way, the wide road which may seem so right, smooth and pleasant enough, leads eventually to destruction.

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