'Extractional' Models

Mission on Whose Doorstep?



When we focus mainly on an 'attractional model' in the shaping, programming and investments related to the ministries of local church (ie. mostly 'come to our building and participate in our programs, on our turf), then we de facto, too often, end up by really facilitating an 'extractional model.'

In doing so, we take people from their usual places - from families, their cultures and sub-cultures; we'd like to vaccuum them out of their own neighbourhoods, cultures, families and sub-cultures, and encourage them even to drive, sometimes many miles  to our excellent structures, programs and dispensation-posts of religious goods and services. Again, we extract them from where they normally live and work, thinking we must get them into our space so they can be counted, cared for and perhaps only then re-directed back to the people and contexts from whence they came.

Sadly, they don't 'go back' . . . we really don't expect them to, in tems of their living missionally, incarnationally in those prior contexts. We don't train them for mission there as we should; we only train and expect them to try to get others around them to make the trek with them to the church's services. We may even call that 'discipleship training.'

We want them to bring others to us but we wreck, or do not train them in the ability to be Jesus' People, at home and office, to be incarnationally involved there with the people in the very places where they were themselves first 'reached.'

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