I was struck and then mused over some words in a review by Claudia FitzHerbert of the book: “Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China”, by Hilary Spurling. Writing of Pearl Buck’s father, a faithful though imperfect (who isn’t?) missionary in China for many years, FitzHerbert snipes: “. . . He never appeared to consider the “insular absurdity” of attempting to impose guilt, sin and atonement on a highly civilised ancient culture to which these concepts were foreign.”
This is likely the ‘take’ re missionaries, the missional life and, frankly, people of Faith, by many in our day
But Christ-followers seek to share Good News with others (which some would reduce to mere, arrogant proselytizing). Yes, we've often done it wrong. You don't have to read and subscribe to the perpectives of Poisonwood or Michener's 'Hawaii' to believe that. Yet, some of us still actually believe a Gospel and we do indeed live by faith. We are outwardly called and inwardly compelled to show and tell this News as best we may. The Great Day alone (yes, I believe there will be one) will reveal the truth or absurdity of the words and life of missionaries such as Buck, in his as in our own time.