Winter is such a beautiful season. Yes it has its challenges, but then too, it has so much wonder - so much to enjoy, to discover.
So quickly, the days of Summer speed by. And then it’s over. And then it’s Autumn.
Resurrection and Ascension – Because He lives, we shall live also; because He was raised, so shall we be. Already Christ, the first of a new race has entered fully into the New Creation.
“Teach us to number our days that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom.” – Psalm 90: 12
Each summer flies by - too quickly. I love the Seasons and in one sense welcome and farewell them as they come and go. But Summer's parting leaves one especially whistful.
Yes, hard as it may be to believe (to get my head around), there was a day when I looked like this. Way, way back - circa 1973 when I was still in Seminary.
Apparently one cannot change the past, nor yet the future - but only the ‘now.’
As Christians, we live in this in-between mean-while, believing and hoping in God and His better Future even when so much of the evidence seems to be to the contrary. St.
Christian 'mission' includes setting up 'sign posts' of Kingdom-present and Kingdom-coming, giving glimpses and examples of what it can be - will be, like when the fullness of God's purposes and Hi
Here are some words from the book we all love [I John 3:1 – 3].
Getting ready for the Banquet.
Actiones nostras, quaesumus Domine, aspirando praeveni et adiuvando prosequere: ut cuncta nosta oratio et operatio a te semper incipiat et per ta coepta finiatur.
In "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church," (HarperOne), Canon N.T. Wright claims that God is redeeming THIS creation.
“Man as created was already crowned with glory and honor, for made in the likeness of the enthroned Glory, a little lower than the angels of the divine council, man was invested with official a
I once heard well-known Christian speaker and writer Tony Compolo encourage a room frull of Christians to live life to the full.
I may think and respond in 360 degrees, but my father was able to think and create in 3D. I envy that ability.
I wrote this a few yhears ago, when my Dad died.
Can it be that the end of things paves the way for the beginning of the new? Yet, it’s hard to let go when the new is not yet apparent, has not yet arrived.