Worth and majesty!” – sing to Jesus! He the King of Kings our Lord,
Freely gives to souls sore wounded, life abundant by His Word;
Christ, the Alpha and Omega: Jesus, Bright and Morning Star,
He the source of our faith and its ending, walks with us to the City fair.
Joy and brightness streams from Jesus, each new morning’s mercies thrill;
Beauty, joy, in His near Presence
when we seek to do His will,
Living Door that opens Heaven,
Lamb once slain but now the First,
With fresh manna He feeds us each new day, gives pure water to quench our thirst.
Sure our victory now in Jesus
, strength for battles that we face,
Venturing forth with His blythe Spirit
guarding, guiding in the race;
Granting peace that the world cannot offer,
grace to face each daily trial,
Hymns to sing if within dark prisons,
songs e'en in sorrow, our strength His smile.
Precious solace found in Jesus,
hope and guidance for the Way,
He the fullness, source of Wisdom, His sure will in every day;
As we humbly trust and follow,
in our striving we are blessed;
Finding a calm and our peace in His nearness, so we come at last to rest.
--- Laurie Barber