Some thoughts from a rec room chair, on my birthday this year.
So many good gifts each morning come down
Gifts, good and perfect, for us to spread ‘round
Joys for our pleasure from the Father of Lights
Lavished in goodness, our thanks and delight
Words from the Author, Goods from the Source
Balm for our healing, Love from His heart
No change and no turning – sundial’s remorse
Jesus best shows it; now also our part
We move and we change still; we fret, turn away
To dark and to danger that breeds its despair
But new gifts keep falling to us every day
New light and new mercies to show us God’s care
God, open our eyes to see that You’re near
And thrust out our hands that Your gifts we may share
Come, warm up our hearts, Lord, to spread forth Your love
And share with all others Your gifts from above
-- L. Barber February 23, 2017
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.