Many people grow up, sons and daughters, in relatively stable, safe and well-provided for environments. Love and caring are evident and the necessities - and more, of life are abundant.
My father died in March of 2007. I wrote this shortly before he passed through . . .
Both memories and present realities may flood our minds, or simply come and go from time to time.
My Great Uncle, Freeman Barber, was interred in the Avondale Cemetery, Guelph, ON - August 26th, 2016. I had the privilege of conducting the Committal Service.
Grandpa and Grandma Richardson lived here, in Eden Mills, ON, in the mi
There’s Something I Discover Through Observing
Lambshead – interesting name, that.
I have to admit that I have probably found more genealogical material by luck then by proper research technique, though gradually I'm getting it right.
The picture is of my mother's father, Ernest Hayes Almas (1900-1938).
The study of genealogy of my family roots has shown me the many reasons why various branches came to settle in Canada, some as early as 1787 (before it was 'Canada' - and others on dates such as 18
We all want to belong, to fit in, to know that we are welcome, respected and cherished. Family is about that, and so is belonging to the Family of God, the Church.
Maybe it doesn’t matter – it’s not all that important to set out to do some thing perfectly, with excellence.
To sit and rest, think or write; to muse and get one’s thoughts out on paper – or perhaps a photo.
A friend's provision for grandchildren's fun.
To sit at table with family or friends, is sheer gift and something that doesn't always happen much any more, in some homes.
How to share faith when one is among clans and tribes - and not mere 'individuals?'
The home of my ancestor - Rake House at Glasidale, North Riding of Yorkshire. Elizabeth Pennock was born 1780 and died after 1841.
I suppose one of my most vivid pre-school memories was of summer afternoon naps on a prickly picnic-blanket, under a spreading elm in our backyard in Burlington, under the sometime watchful eye and
This clock belonged to my great aunt, Mary Willoughby Potter, who lived with her husband Jim at Freeman’s Corners (now part of Burlington, Ontario) early in the last century.
So, there are all those cliches about how all the colours – even the ones that initially don’t seem to fit, actually do come together someow, often quite beautifully, in the tapestry of our lives.
We need to form more partnerships and find more friends to help us on our Journey.
I like to escape into history and to find through my own genealogical records some length and breadth and perspective for the living of my days.
Julian of Norwich (1342-1416) was a Benedictine mystic whose little cell I have visited in Norwich, Norfolk England.
Burlington Bay for some is Hamilton Harbour for others.