Winter is such a beautiful season. Yes it has its challenges, but then too, it has so much wonder - so much to enjoy, to discover.
If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far - go together.
- African proverb
So quickly, the days of Summer speed by. And then it’s over. And then it’s Autumn.
I love all of the Seasons, though as I age and my Raynaud's Syndrome progresses, my appreciation for the colder weather wanes.
I love Spring the most, je pense.
London England’s church, St. Martin’s in the Field, at one time had the following statements of belief on their website (not inclusive here): -
I created this video to illustrate a poem (sort of) that I wrote recently (March 2017).
Sometimes, we feel ourselves almost shut-down (or shot down) in terms of making any kind of headway, of being understood or having our pathway made straight and smooth.
In many ways, in Lent we are living in a time in-between. And it’s a ‘mean-while.’
The Lenten Season reminds us of all of those times when we know hardship and difficulty. It is a time in-between. We say, “in the meanwhile . .
A new year lies at our feet. And what will it bring?
'Faith' - writes author Frederick Buechner, 'is the direction your feet start walking, when you know you are loved.'
We wake each morning to a fresh, brand-new day, one filled with such possibility and where we do not know what now, what next, Life will bring to us, that God will bring us to.
"Your website is beautiful, and rich."
"Amazing writings & thoughts . . ."
I've never yet got there. I wish I had. Perhaps even in the autumn of my life; perhaps one day yet.
This message was suggested by the writings of Frederick Buechner, especially from his book, 'Alphabet of Grace.' I've used the concept by linking to the story of Jacob, who at Bethel, a first and s
I have Raynaud's. They don't know what causes it or how to cure it. And it sure hurts at times.
The full poem written by Amy Carmichael may be found here.
So, when raking my leaves it feels like I've been learning the meaning of the word ‘eternity.
In Luke 10, Jesus appointed 70 disciples and sent them out to the towns and villages where he intended to visit.
Sailing near Kingston on Lake Ontario
I love this picture by Arthur J. Eisley, 1860-1952 (as I love all paintings that tell a story, that suggest and probe); not sure why. Perhaps the early snowfall that year made me think of it.
I like things that are old – sometimes more than that which is new — old paths and old lights that still work and are helpful, still, for today’s travel.
We need to form more partnerships and find more friends to help us on our Journey.
There are lots of things that can contribute to making a bad day. I am beginning to be really frustrated by the level of congestion found in driving in Toronto.
Pilgrims walk together, or sometimes alone, sometimes pressed forward even pushed by those who are eager to get ahead. We all start on the road in the same way.
What lies ahead in the dawn of each New Year? God only knows.
Frederich Buechner always challenges my faith, inspires my heart and gives new insight into both how to understand and how to say things that are important.