
One Foundation

An old hymn whose truths are ever new.


‘The Church’s One Foundation’ - S. J. Stone 1866 -     

Public Domain   Tune: Aurelia

'The problem with life is that its so daily,' said Wood Allen once. Another problem - if it is that, is that life is very short.

bluebells and fence

Now Spring beckons to us,
The grass and the green,
New buds and small flowers
Are making the scene.

Through the seasons and through the years, God proves God's Self faithful to those who trust Him, and carries, sustains and forgives even when we find ourselves struggling to believe, to trust and

So quickly, the days of Summer speed by. And then it’s over. And then it’s Autumn.

Weed, Wild Carrot

The Psalmist (103: 15-18) speaks of the brevity of life but also of the promise of God's covenant love and mercy - a prompt to those who wisely determine to trust and obey the Lord.

A depiction of the truths, encouragements and warnings of the first Psalm.

A movie - VERY loosely based on the New Testament story: 'The Prodigal.'

'Coming Home' is a metaphor for all kinds of situations, as well as, literally, a return to the house, town or country of one's birth or upbringing.

Man with red shirt on motorcycle

We leave the home of our upbringing, sooner or later, for all kinds of reasons.

This is a world in which good things and bad can and do happen. One is not always prepared. No - we are never really prepared when evil and disaster ascend upon us, as from the Abyss.

little boy singing and dancing

There is such a thing as a healthy ego. Life would be bereft without it.


Getting up and getting to it every day can often seem like a chore in itself, something not relished some mornings.

Now here’s a thought: - God’s Presence in our lives can be known, appreciated and responded to, as we pay attention to all the various ways God speaks and shows God’s-Self to us, in our every day.

I have visited various places in the world, and accumulated thousands of photographs and movies.

Some musing about the 'big mess' that we sometimes find our world, and our own lives, to be in.

Click on the Movie and listen and look, pause and read.

The hymn writer William Cowper allowed that ‘God moves in a mysterous way, His wonders to perform.’ The doctrine of providence speaks of 'divinely ordained events and outcomes.’

Holy spirit, life that gives life,moving all things,rooted in all beings;you cleanse all things of impurity,wiping away sins,and anointing wounds,this is radiant, laudable life,awakening and re-awa

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come;

Watching and listening to an interview this week (see HERE) of Bono of the Irish Band U2 - and Eugene Peterson, pastor, teacher

blue flower

The hymnwriter Joseph Addison (1672-1719) wrote in The Spectator, London, issue 453, on August 9th, 1712. An essay had been delivered on 'gratitude' and the hymn followed.

Vulnerability in Mission

Summer Rain

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