
My father died in March of 2007. I wrote this shortly before he passed through . . .

Pilgrim in Rome

London England’s church, St. Martin’s in the Field, at one time had the following statements of belief on their website (not inclusive here): -

I created this video to illustrate a poem (sort of) that I wrote recently (March 2017).

Kilmalkedar Church, Co Kerry, Ireland

The number 40 seems to play a significant and symbolic role in Scripture. One can read too much into numbers (viz.

A Lenten Resource: The Journey

We’ve entered a new day, perhaps a new month and even a new year.

I Love This Time of Year !!!

Quebec Autumn colours

I love the colours of Autumn; I hate the fact that they fall and disappear. I can get depressed in November, when the colour's gone and it's not yet Christmas.

'Faith' - writes author Frederick Buechner, 'is the direction your feet start walking, when you know you are loved.'

autumn berries

When I’m ‘on’ with the Lord, good things come to me. When I’m not; they don’t. I can’t explain it. I couldn’t say it’s normal or biblical, or the way it should be or always is.

Judas betrays Jesus

One of the early verses that I learned as a small child (at that time in the ubiquitous King James Version) was I Peter 5:8 (which of course comes immediately following verse 7 – ‘casting all your


Desert walk, Scottsdale, Arizona

Pathway in the desert and mountains, near Scottsdale, Arizona. Peregrine falcons get to fly; pilgrims have to walk.

Farm Lane

sepia: farm lane - Caledon, Ontario

Sepia shot of Caledon, Ontario farm lane

In Luke 10, Jesus appointed 70 disciples and sent them out to the towns and villages where he intended to visit.

Doorway to _ ?

sepia, ancient ruin

Sepia of door at ruined Dunluce Castle in County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Except for These Chains

Chains in church of St Paul the Apostle, Rome

Purported chains that bound the Apostle Paul, while a prisoner in Rome. Displayed in St Paul Outside the Walls Basilica.

Walk on Water

Muskoka cottage view

If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat (or church building for that matter).

Under Sail

Sail boat on Lake Ontario

Sailing near Kingston on Lake Ontario

sail boat

I feel the winds of God today
Today my sail I lift
Though heavy, oft with drenching spray
And torn with many a rift.

salmon-coloured gerber flower

The Old Testament prophet Micah reminds us that there are three things God requires of us: ‘to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God." (Micah 6:8)

still water stream

We are often drawn to the wrong things for all the wrong reasons, but sometimes for the right reasons too.

two pilgrims, Iona

Frederick Buechner writes: “Faith is the direction your feet start walking when you discover that you are loved.”

Life is measured by moments and we should make the most of them. And from time to time, something happens: we are arrested by something unusual, something, someone that gets our attention.

a story painting

I love this picture by Arthur J. Eisley, 1860-1952 (as I love all paintings that tell a story, that suggest and probe); not sure why. Perhaps the early snowfall that year made me think of it.

Starting over . . .

garden ferns

The seasons come 'round as promised following the Flood. Hope spring fresh from the garden of new life . . .

Life that Counts

Fitting Epitaphs

So, there is this little line or squiggle between the birth and death dates on many tombstones. Life is what happens along the squiggle.

Some folk are interesting – exciting even, to know – but they’re not fun to walk with . . .

A lamp in old Montreal

I like things that are old – sometimes more than that which is new — old paths and old lights that still work and are helpful, still, for today’s travel.


Anam Cara in Irish means: 'soul friend.' We all need one.

Danger and Adventure

Lake Ontario and sailboats

Danger high-lites the paradoxical nature of good and evil. To attempt anything is to risk; to get up in the morning is to tempt Providence, though God's mercies are new each morning.


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