We are often drawn to the wrong things for all the wrong reasons, but sometimes for the right reasons too. But searching via 'right reasons' doesn't negate the fact that we have, well, erm, come to the wrong things, the wrong places. To leave the wrong alone, retreat, to get-the-Heaven out of there may save, has saved, a lot of folk a lot of trouble. God's grace is greater, and God will forgive the deepest wrongs and grant the greatest release for all our burdens.
For, not to be too moralistic about it (as in 'just try harder'), God's grace is greater than our constant ability to screw up, to shoot ourselves in the foot, to get things wrong time and again, to desire and embrace what will only leave us more empty. Like drinking salt water when one is dying of thirst, which is how Frederick Buechner describes lust. There is living water to be found, however, as the Lord our Shepherd leads us 'prone-to-wander' sheep to green pastures by still waters. (See Psalm 23.)
And then there's the truth that James Allen shares in his book, 'As A Man Thinketh' - "The soul attracts that which it secretly harbours; that which it loves, and also that which it fears; it reaches the heights of its cherished aspirations; it falls to the levels of its unchastened desires, and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own."