One doesn't hear so much of late about 'emergence' in Christian Church talk.
Some years ago I read “Emerging Churches” by Eddie Gibbs and Ryan K. Bolger and recommended it then for those who wanted to be conversant with 'the idea, the concerns and the aspirations of so-called emerging churches.' I found the book at that time disturbing (to a then 58 year old) and yet instructive, prophetic and in some ways encouraging.
Perhaps it was an idea, and actions, that will not last - that had and still has a 'short shelf-life.' However it continues to be true that living a life of faith, and for Christians that means trusting and following Jesus - living that life ‘on the Way’ with others in a messy, profoundly altered world, continues to be my passion and goal. I would confess, however, that I'm still too easily distracted and diverted by my own too self-centred motives, passions and fears.
Emergents were on to something; the Church needs always to be challenged, changed, renewed. I wanted to learn from them. They were struggling, as many of us still are, to receive, enter into and live into the gift of God’s Presence and Reign (the Kingdom).
With many, I too am profoundly upset with what purports to be 'answers' and directives that we so quickly ‘share’ in our still Modern, contemporary attempts to live out the Good News of that life Jesus called ‘abundant’ – when our world has really moved beyond being simply modern.’
I still want to journey with those who, in Len Sweet’s words at that time, want to move away from or beyond mere ‘answers’ - to the ‘mysteries’ – and, into the Mystery that is God.