Life is indeed hard - and harsh. All of at times are tempted to complain. Well, actually more than tempted . . . we do whinge and whine don't we? - not that it helps.
But the poet, Isaiah, encourages us to trust God, to 'wait upon' the Creator of us all, and of all things. And as we do, he says, we will learn to fly! - well, at least to run without getting tired, or steafastly walk-on.
I suppose we'll never know these realities till we try it out, try it on - and stammer out as best we can our complaint and then our trust in the Lord. Till we pray . . .
And even if we don't quite get it right, our prayers right -as if! . . . God's Spirit helps us, His groans resonating with our own within - except that the Spirit's groans become pointed, fruitful, acceptable prayers.