Deep within our historySwelling with the mysteryBreaking forth th' audacious Love of God
Entering that mysteryMaking it our storyHoping in th' audacious Love of God
The Life that Jesus called abundant - what is it and how do you get into it?
When I was growing up, after supper Dad would say: ‘Get the Book.’ And then we’d pray.
I've never yet got there. I wish I had. Perhaps even in the autumn of my life; perhaps one day yet.
We all want to belong, to fit in, to know that we are welcome, respected and cherished. Family is about that, and so is belonging to the Family of God, the Church.
This message was suggested by the writings of Frederick Buechner, especially from his book, 'Alphabet of Grace.' I've used the concept by linking to the story of Jacob, who at Bethel, a first and s
Prayer is a mystery, but when we approach God, believing that He is - and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him, God hears and answers.
A toaster oven is great for – erm, ah, making toast and heating up a few more meal items, assuming of course that it is plugged in.
Both fear and faith beget within us responses of both fear and faith. Faith, particularly faith in God, can bring the healing and wholeness we seek.
A clean, clear and sound inner life
so important to us all
and vital to a life of faith.
Dr. Maurice Boyd used to tell of a woman who was deaf but then learned also from her doctor that very soon she would be blind as well. But she answered, said Dr.
When I’m ‘on’ with the Lord, good things come to me. When I’m not; they don’t. I can’t explain it. I couldn’t say it’s normal or biblical, or the way it should be or always is.
Mark 10:21. Jesus looked at 'the rich young ruler' -- and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
St. Paul says in effect, in Romans chapter 1, that our believing in God (or our saying that we do or don’t) has a great deal to do with morality.
A profound and helpful blessing – my favorite for each day.
With apologies (and thanks) to N.T. Wright (speaking re: his book: ‘The Faithfulness of God’), I am pondering the following – some in his thoughts and words and some in mine:
One of the early verses that I learned as a small child (at that time in the ubiquitous King James Version) was I Peter 5:8 (which of course comes immediately following verse 7 – ‘casting all your
Interviewed by Relevant Magazine, author Malcolm Gladwell told of his return to the faith of his childhood.
Anyone can lose faith, in God or in anything or in anyone that appears to let us down, or not be there, or goes away. Faith is born out of the crucible of doubt, wrote Victor Hugo.
“For too long we’ve read Scripture with 19th Century eyes and 16th Century questions. It’s time we get back to reading the Scripture with 1st Century eyes and with 21st Century questions.” N.T.
God of the galaxies, great and beyond,
We have this treasure, writes St. Paul, in earthen vessels . . .
We have this treasure, writes St. Paul, in earthen vessels . . .
I suppose there are some obvious ways of hiding God's Word within our hearts, as did the Psalmist. I would think it has to do with:
Canada was once a 'churched' culture. It no longer is that.
Jesus' apprentices have been called into the almost incredible privilege of being God’s agents of grace, love and mercy, His servants of reconciliation, peace and hope in this world.
Actiones nostras, quaesumus Domine, aspirando praeveni et adiuvando prosequere: ut cuncta nosta oratio et operatio a te semper incipiat et per ta coepta finiatur.