Recently I was reading an article about the video games that came out in 2016. Writes the author, "My favorite games did exactly what this year did: they took away control.
Advent means waiting.
But actually, I hate waiting. I’m one of the most impatient people you’ll meet.
We all want justice, but few of us want to be judged.
Followers of Jesus have the potential of - through prayer, pulling into the created world and order of things, an even greater Real - of the fullness of Life in what Jesus called God's Kingdom.
Now here’s a thought: - God’s Presence in our lives can be known, appreciated and responded to, as we pay attention to all the various ways God speaks and shows God’s-Self to us, in our every day.
I have visited various places in the world, and accumulated thousands of photographs and movies.
O Trinity of Love,
you have been with us at the world’s beginning;
be with us till the world’s end.
You have been with us at our life’s shaping;
Christians believe that Jesus Christ was and is the fullest expression that we can know of God. If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus.
Emerson Fosdick said often that his primary task was not as a preacher...he did not see himself as a preacher but as a counsellor. And he said, through all of his experience he discovered that men
'Faith' - writes author Frederick Buechner, 'is the direction your feet start walking, when you know you are loved.'
The words to the hymn ‘Abide With Me' were written by Henry Francis Lyte in 1847. But the tune he wrote was difficult to sing and never seemed quite right for the words. Some years later, a gifte
The Holy One never sleeps. His mercies are refreshed each day.
Each and every morning, by sheer grace we rise to face the day.
My mother played the organ in our little chapel-like church in Freeman, Ontario (now Burlington). It was a Hammond Spinet model with many stops but only half a pedal-board.
“Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted.
The hymn writer William Cowper allowed that ‘God moves in a mysterous way, His wonders to perform.’ The doctrine of providence speaks of 'divinely ordained events and outcomes.’
A life of trust in God is a beautiful life. The effects and blessings are palpable; others cannot help but notice.
There's always an open invitation from God to come Home to God. The coming is described in various ways in Scripture.
The Christian Life is not easy - and there are many adversaries and obstacles, including one big Adversary. We are to keep watch with necessary vigilance.
Watching and listening to an interview this week (see HERE) of Bono of the Irish Band U2 - and Eugene Peterson, pastor, teacher
I love this interview, which I've 'pointed to' on YouTube, produced by 'Fuller Studio' - a video in which Ireland's Bono (of the Ireland-based band, U2) and pastor, author and theologian E
What if we just manage to make our church more like the Pharisees than like Jesus?!
Read - Romans 8:18 – 27 and Isaiah 40: 27 – 31
Life is indeed hard - and harsh. All of at times are tempted to complain. Well, actually more than tempted . . . we do whinge and whine don't we? - not that it helps.
Every Christian is called, as a member-part of the Church of Christ, to join in the Mission of God. This is an exciting, dangerous, overwhelming and exhilarating adventure.
God of the galaxies, greatness and power
God of the child-like, sparrow and flower;
Stoop to our weakness, we are so small
God Who can strengthen, help us stand tall.
We wake each morning to a fresh, brand-new day, one filled with such possibility and where we do not know what now, what next, Life will bring to us, that God will bring us to.
As a Christian, I can heartily affirm the following reflection of Abraham Joshua Heschel, God In Search of Man: A Philosphy of Judais.
There are, of course, many ways in which we may communicate good news to others, assuming of course that we have something to say.