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God in the details, God in the grand,
God in the mystery, God in the sand;
God of the large and God of the small,
Micro and macro, telling it all.
Prudentius Clemens Aurelius lived between 348 and 410 AD. A lawyer by training he was for many years employed in the civil service of Spain.
Oh does it?! - and do they?! . . . Hmmm.
I think that every person – their presence, their uniqueness, their face and body, their giftedness, the contribution of their life – says something about God, the God who created each one of us.
I've been thinking about God and how God can be known in the world, in His creation, in how God orders and sustains the universe.
John 1:11 - "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him."
So, perhaps we're angry with such a question: - 'What if there's a God and God expects something of you and me?'
There's lots that's wrong with the world, as well as - well, the opposite, right?
Someone has said - ‘The trouble with being an atheist is that there’s No-One to Thank!’
The Christian heresies spring from the fact that man does not take seriously the known ground of divine immanence in Jesus Christ, so that from its revelation, instead of apprehending Jesus Christ
Some musing about the 'big mess' that we sometimes find our world, and our own lives, to be in.
The nature of God is Being.
Might this mean that some who think they are doing theology, aren't? - not really doing it unless it's true Scripture-mining that is led and enabled by God's Spirit.
I love the amazing wonders of creation. The mind boggles and the heart is expanded. With the Psalmist we exclaim, 'Such knowledge is all too wonderful to me!' Psalm 139:6
In his book Why We Must Ignore Jesus, John Alexander writes that "Christians spend a lot of time and energy explaining why Jesus couldn't possibly have meant what He said.
“The created universe is the fountain fullness of God’s expressed being. As God is expressed in creation, creation in turn expresses the Creator.”
- St. Bonaventure
"Theology is nothing more than the Holy Spirit making His way through our brains, as the Scriptures make their way through our hearts."
It's easy to despair. We all do at times. The world seems to be in such a mess; things constantly go wrong. It's difficult to see that there's any plan or purpose, any rhyme or reason.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
". . . the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!
Holy spirit, life that gives life,moving all things,rooted in all beings;you cleanse all things of impurity,wiping away sins,and anointing wounds,this is radiant, laudable life,awakening and re-awa
The hymnwriter Joseph Addison (1672-1719) wrote in The Spectator, London, issue 453, on August 9th, 1712. An essay had been delivered on 'gratitude' and the hymn followed.
In Psalm 19, the writer asserts that God is revealed and can be known through both Creation and Revelation, through the 'Book of Nature' and the 'Book of Scripture.'
The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, centuries ago, was met with welcome, wonder and anger. Listen and discover why.
God of the galaxies, greatness and power
God of the child-like, sparrow and flower;
Stoop to our weakness, we are so small
God Who can strengthen, help us stand tall.
This, in sermon form, is an attempt to catch some insight into the Christian doctrine of 'the Trinity.'
Of Shamrocks and Things
John 14:1- 14
Jesus is the Messiah and He is Lord.
Have we lost the wonder, the Mystery that is God?