
I find that when I prepare my sermon, I write it out many times and refine it - until I think I know what I'm going to say.

If you want to play a little game, you can find out both natural responses and spiritual gifting – perhaps just a little hint towards discerning them . . .

The hymn writer William Cowper allowed that ‘God moves in a mysterous way, His wonders to perform.’ The doctrine of providence speaks of 'divinely ordained events and outcomes.’

This video in interesting and compelling and shows the necessity of healthy relationships - friendships and community to bring us into a fuller life and to keep us from self-and-society destroying

Not everyone is going to embrace your brilliant idea. Not at first, anyway. But some will - if it's good, and worthy, and timely.

Leaders know that it all comes down to relationships.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better,” said Roosevelt at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on

A life of trust in God is a beautiful life. The effects and blessings are palpable; others cannot help but notice.

There's always an open invitation from God to come Home to God. The coming is described in various ways in Scripture.

The Christian Life is not easy - and there are many adversaries and obstacles, including one big Adversary. We are to keep watch with necessary vigilance.

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come;

Laurie Barber shares about the purpose of the site, why he created it and what he hopes it achieves.

Seeing in Believing

Watching and listening to an interview this week (see HERE) of Bono of the Irish Band U2 - and Eugene Peterson, pastor, teacher

I love this interview, which I've 'pointed to' on YouTube, produced by 'Fuller Studio' - a video in which Ireland's Bono (of the Ireland-based band, U2) and pastor, author and theologian E

What if we just manage to make our church more like the Pharisees than like Jesus?!

Clouds and Terrain

Read - Romans 8:18 – 27 and Isaiah 40: 27 – 31

Hand and Child

Life is indeed hard - and harsh. All of at times are tempted to complain. Well, actually more than tempted . . . we do whinge and whine don't we? - not that it helps.

Winter Solstice Solace

More great music from Jubekyth.

When It Rains

I love this music by Jubekyth

The Adventure

Every Christian is called, as a member-part of the Church of Christ, to join in the Mission of God. This is an exciting, dangerous, overwhelming and exhilarating adventure.

bird silhouette

We wake each morning to a fresh, brand-new day, one filled with such possibility and where we do not know what now, what next, Life will bring to us, that God will bring us to.

praying angel

As a Christian, I can heartily affirm the following reflection of Abraham Joshua Heschel, God In Search of Man: A Philosphy of Judais.


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