
sepia church

So, perhaps really just trying to break the ice, I said: "Well, I see that your church sanctuary could seat about 300 people - but somehow you have managed to 'grow' it down to 30.

hanging lights and globules

1. Mission is still best accomplished by the establishment of local indigenous congregations of believers.

gushing waterfall, RBG, Burlington, ON

When Dallas Willard was asked: 'How do you do “evangelism-discipleship?'  he responded with the following: "My short answer? You ravish people with the blessings of the Kingdom.

Angel praying: boat lecturn


Back to My Real World

A Winter Stream in Burlington, Ontario

After having lived in many places, Burlington Ontario, London Ontario, Toronto, Wenham MA, Gloucester MA, Uxbridge ON, Calgary Alberta, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, and Toronto again - I return at times

salmon-coloured gerber flower

The Old Testament prophet Micah reminds us that there are three things God requires of us: ‘to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God." (Micah 6:8)

still water stream

We are often drawn to the wrong things for all the wrong reasons, but sometimes for the right reasons too.

Road in rural Kenya

How to share faith when one is among clans and tribes - and not mere 'individuals?'

beach scene, Courtown, Co Wicklow

Does negation of family, clan, tribe and community and pressing towards individual freedom, rights and wants lead to inevitable chaos?

Middle East Home

Quot­ing an unknown pre­de­ces­sor in Britain’s House of Com­mons, 11 Novem­ber 1947, Winston Churchill said,  "Many forms of gov­ern­ment have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin an

bars and barriers

The effects of the Fall are reflected in the way people sin or show the ‘curse’ in their lives. This is reflected in at least three ways (cf. Genesis 3): You shall surely die.

two pilgrims, Iona

Frederick Buechner writes: “Faith is the direction your feet start walking when you discover that you are loved.”

ancient text

When, in Isaiah 6, in ancient Israel in that dramatic year that King Uzziah died, the prophet was given to see the awe-full revelation of a greater King, Isaiah thought he was a dead man.

Turkey left-overs, cold potatoes and squash, tiny mince tarts, a glass of cranberry cocktail . . . a brief but pretty snow flurry - whispy cotton, gentle on the neighbour's recently new fence . .

I suppose one of my most vivid pre-school memories was of summer afternoon naps on a prickly picnic-blanket, under a spreading elm in our backyard in Burlington, under the sometime watchful eye and

Iona view and bench

I rebuke myself, well sometimes, at the many times in which I am not mostly nor fully present. The picture here shows Jane looking out to the isle of Mull from Holy Island, Iona, in Scotland.

There's something that happens, that deepens us, when we suffer.

Life is measured by moments and we should make the most of them. And from time to time, something happens: we are arrested by something unusual, something, someone that gets our attention.

Chapel Cross

I am still enormously in debt to Dr. Francis Schaeffer, the founder of the L'Abri movement and at one time a co-pastor in St.

a story painting

I love this picture by Arthur J. Eisley, 1860-1952 (as I love all paintings that tell a story, that suggest and probe); not sure why. Perhaps the early snowfall that year made me think of it.

old clock and candles

This clock belonged to my great aunt, Mary Willoughby Potter, who lived with her husband Jim at Freeman’s Corners (now part of Burlington, Ontario) early in the last century.

church and spire

We must be careful in our love/or hate of the Church (a lover's quarrel?) and see to it that we love the brothers and sisters, whatever may be their faults - and not take on the task of accus

orchard, Meaford, ON

There is a new way of creating orchards and producing good fruit. The old orchards had trees that were taller, difficult to harvest. So, newer, dwarf varieties were tried.

Fading autumn colour



I love the Autumn and hate to see it go.

Botanical Garden, Burlington



We all need such a place: what author Madeline L’Engle meant in the book of that name, Circle of Quiet.

Stream in Aughrim, Co Wicklow

We all need such a place for spiritual retreat and restoration, a place of contemplation and peace . . .

ascending stairs

"We think we are headed toward the future. The truth is, the future is headed toward us." So says author Reggie McNeal in his book, The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church.


Anam Cara in Irish means: 'soul friend.' We all need one.

I’ve always been intrigued by pathways, by the Journey, by the wonder of what may be just around the corner. And I'm glad of musicians and poets who remind us of it.

Pot in Nairobi - patio

Do plants grow better in pots? Would they grow better, spread further with healthier fruits and richer fruits, colours and splendour, if they were not confined to such human vessels?


If we're just really busy running our churches - can we possibly have time and energy left to be missional ? Does one discount the other? . . .


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